About Cherie Blessing

My name is Miss Blessing, and I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Teaching is the calling of my heart, and I hope to set an example of tenacious engagement in learning this year. Let the Great Adventure begin!

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How to Make Cereal

I love cereal. I am going to tell you how to make one. All the supplies you need are bowls out, the spoons, the milk, and the cereal. First, you get your bowl. Then you get your spoon. Then you pour the delicious cereal and pour the yummy milk in. Then you enjoy the delicious bowl of cereal.

Vacation Verb Poem

*Took the glorious ornaments off the green tree.
*Ate delicious dark chocolate oreo.
*Zoomed down the hill really fast.
*Tore my presents open!
*Enjoyed Christmas movies.
*Chugged down hot cocoa.
*Laughed because we watched so many funny movies.

STUBC Week 9 Challenge: Coding


For week 9, we chose to try an Hour of Code activity.  We have been working with Coding Awbie on Osmo, and this week we tried some Minecraft tutorials.

I thought some of the coding was challenging and new to me.  I tried to get past the lava.  It was really hard.  It was also awesome though.  My favorite was when I was in the tower.  I will need some of these computer things for the future I think, to do technology things in the future.

Snow Haiku

poof, plop the snow goes

as white as it can go to

and really fast too

My Perseverance Timeline: The Trip to China

We interviewed a person in our life who worked toward a big goal by using grit and determination.  Click on the video to see my story.

My Bird Feeder Prototype

Our engineering challenge was to design a bird feeder that would attract a certain type of bird.

My problem statement:

I want woodpeckers to come to my yard.  I need a bird feeder with bugs and seeds and a place to hang on the sides for my birds to grab on.  I will make the bird feeder safe from cats by making it so high that my cat can’t get it.

My ideas for my bird feeder:

My prototype:

Kissing My Dog

I would kiss my dog and then he would lick me.  Then we would cuddle together.  Then we would go outside, and I would chase my dog.  He would run so fast that I would run out of breath.  Then my dog and I would go inside and cuddle again, and I would kiss and hug and love him.  Then I would twiddle his ears.

Thankful Things . . . .

I am thankful for my family, Jesus dying on the cross for me, the woods, mac and cheese, my dog, my cat, my friends, that God made the snow, my grandparents, my mom, and my dad, birds, pigs, horses, and camels, and much, much more!

Book Review Owl Diaries

Bee Life Cycle

I read about honeybees.  An important vocabulary word in my book is invertebrates.  It means animals without backbones.

There are three kinds of honeybees.  They are drones, workers, and queens.  Honeybee larvae have no eyes, wings, legs, or antennae.  Honeybees do a dance to communicate to the other bees.

In their life cycle, the queen lays the egg in the brood cell.  Then the worker feeds the hatched larva.  The larva reaches its full growth.  Then the worker caps the cell.  The larva spins a cocoon and becomes a pupa.  Finally, the adult bee leaves the cell.

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