About Cherie Blessing

My name is Miss Blessing, and I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Teaching is the calling of my heart, and I hope to set an example of tenacious engagement in learning this year. Let the Great Adventure begin!

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The Pop Up Book of George Washington

The Pop Up Book of George Washington

If you have a dollar bill in your pocket, you have George Washington in your pocket.

He was the first president of the United States.  George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.

He was the first president.

George Washington helped write the Constitution.

He was a hero in the Revolutionary War.

Green Spring Poem

The buds pop out like popcorn.

The beautiful blasting green comes out!

In Vermont, there are lots of beautiful green things.

Green leaves burst out of the trees.

Even white butterflies fly above the trees.

Baby lizards climb up the branches with their mama.

Little flowers wait for the rain.

It is green everywhere, and it is beautiful.

There are green bushes and cattails growing.

There is green everywhere you see!

Colonial Seamstress


Hello!  I am the clothes maker.  

These are three things you need to make clothes with–pins, yarn, and cloth.  These are things that you can make with clothes–hats, dresses, shirts, and lots more.  Of all the needle crafts in colonial times, knitting was the most important thing.

Men wore breeches just below their knees.  Men’s shirts were tight except on their arms they were poofy, but tight at the end again.  The soft hats men wore were nice to wear at home instead of the wigs.

Did you learn a lot?  I hope you did.

Heat Haiku

Sweat flaming lava

Gas is drippy, ashy sun

Hot, warm, melting fun


Virtual Visit to the Alaskan Iditarod

I chose Anna Berrington for my musher to follow because I liked her.  She started mushing when she was nine years old.  She is so excited about being able to raise dogs and train dogs because she always wanted to.

I read Balto.  There are a bunch of main characters in this true story.  Three of the main characters are Balto, Togo, and the musher.  Balto is a dog, and he can run really fast.  Togo is a dog helping the sick people too.  Sepphala is the musher that leads all the dogs during part of the rescue race with the serum.

They had to send the medicine to the doctor because people had a sickness that made some die.  When the terrible sickness came, they had to choose mushers to bring the medicine to the doctor because it was too cold and windy to use the planes or the boats to get there.  The most exciting part was when you wondered if they were going to get there.  I liked when they got to the place safely.  I liked this book so much.

Some examples of excellent writing in Balto were how it said Kimball “leaped into action.”  He did it with enthusiasm, and those were interesting words.  I liked the words, “The blowing snow painted everything white.”  It describes it so you can see what it looked like in your head.

I made a list of some Iditarod words to use in my writing.  My verbs are running, riding, sniffing, resting, turning, talking, yipping, sledding, wagging, and turning.

I compared mushing to a sport I like, horseback riding.  Mushing is different because you have a dog, ride a sled, and do it outdoors.  Horseback riding is different because you have a horse, ride a horse, do it in the riding arena, and ride on the animal.  They are both alike because they are both riding, people go on both, they are both fun, and the people wear special gear on their feet.

I learned a lot about sled dogs.  Moose can attack them, so the mushers might have to use a gun to keep their dogs safe.  They try to scare the moose away first though.  The dogs work hard to pull the musher and the sled.  The dogs are so fast and strong.

Celebration: Meeting a Musher!

A musher named Ms. Richardson visited us.  She came to show us real sled dogs.

I learned how to put the booties on, and she showed us her vest.

It was fun to pet Dory and Fiona, the dogs.  One of them was scruffy, and the other one was soft.  They had ears that were softer than their body.   They listened to their owner really well.  It was really fun!

I liked pulling the sled.  We pretended we were dogs, and she hitched us up to the lead line. Dory and Fiona were so cute.  We got to pull the musher, Ms. Richardson.  We pulled her on the sled all around the driveway.  She told us where to go by saying, “Gee!” and “Haw!”  Gee is right, and haw is left.

I liked listening to how you put the collars on, and I learned that it will keep you warm if you have a fluffy jacket.  On the sled there are pockets to put their food in, and there is a bag of emergency things for if the musher or the dog get hurt.

I am really glad that she came because it was fun to see her fast dogs.


We learn so many things in school.  My school is awesome!

We have a playground filled with grass and leaves.  When it snows, it is so fun to play.  We get to build snowmen and slip and slide on the ice.  In the spring, the birds twitter, and the sun is bright and gleaming.  We get all muddy, and then we go back inside and get to read.


Husky Howl

Our class was wild over our two week literacy unit surrounding the Iditarod Sled Dog Race!  We challenged our favorite musher by counting each page we read during the race as a mile on our giant map of Alaska.  We devoured all kinds of fiction and nonfiction mushing books. We discovered more about nonfiction graphic sources, and we ended every day dancing to “I Did, I Did, I Did the Iditarod Trail.”

Husky Howl


I’m black and white.

I run fast with the wind.

I bark.

I sniff the trail.

I dash up the tall Alaska Range.

I am strong to pull the musher all the way to Nome.

I am a big husky,

And I am the lead dog.

I Love Spring Because . . . .

To celebrate the first day of spring, we romped about in the mud, brainstormed words using all our senses, and wrote about mud season in New England.

I Love Spring Because . . . .


My boots feel gloomy as they go

Squeech, squack,

Squishy, grinchy,

Splishy, splattery

Stomping in the everywhere mud.

My cheeks feel warm and cozy in the sun.

I love spring because

I love the sound of the twittering birds in the air,

The ruffling of wind in my hair.

I love the feeling of the soft dirt.

Soon I will smell the blooming flowers.



And then . . . . on the second day of spring . . . .

Introducing . . . . Bunny Jumper!

Three things you should know about me are that I like biking.  We go on a trail, and my favorite is the Pump Track where you get to go over bumps and hills.  Second, I have two pets.  I have a dog and a cat.  Third, my two favorite animals are pigs and horses.  I like them because pigs are so cute, and I like horses because I get to ride on them.  I’m looking forward to seeing what you put on your blog during the blogging challenge!

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